Thursday, August 29, 2013

Fun, inexpensive way to show your wife you love her

Luckily, my wife doesn't read this blog yet (I think), and even if she did, I doubt she'd read it before tomorrow when she'll find the card I just made her.

Card: "Since I'm usually with you in my free time,
I guess one of my hobbys(sp) is hanging out with hot people
Typing the text out is the first time I noticed the mis-spelling, but the picture is cute, and the sentiment is what I was looking for.  All in all, I think it's perfect for where we're at right now, where I really can't afford to get her gifts as often as I'd like, but I want to remind her that she's important to me, and that I'm always thinking of her.

The card was just printed on card stock, the envelop is a lame, taped together and cut to size piece of printer paper.  This kind of thing costs nothing but time, and I hope to do this more often, as I know it means something to her.  The inside is filled with a mini-letter that I won't be reproducing here.  Suffice it to say I have many things to be thankful for, all relating to her.  And I think she's hot.

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